Up Your Game
Long days of working from home and managing online schooling leave me needing something to look forward to when it all wraps up. A good game night brings the family back together for a fun post-dinner activity and takes the focus off the news. It also may just offer a much needed diversion from the screaming matches we might just have maybe had over said homeschooling. 😳
Here are a few gorgeous and fun games that will add beauty to your home while also giving you a “thing to do” later! ♟🖤
Aerin Enzo Travel Card Set $325
Smythson of Bond Street Twin Cards Playing Pack $85
Pottery Barn Monopoly Luxury Edition $229
Pottery Barn Scrabble Luxury Edition $249
Pinetti Leather Pisa Tower Box $1295
Pinetti Leather Domino Set $695
Jonathan Adler Milano Backgammon Set $395
Jonathan Adler Bowtie Backgammon Set $395
Daffodil Designs Tropical Puzzle $17
Hilma Af Klint Altarpiece Puzzle $21
Studio W Cobalt Agate II Puzzle $20
SmallCity Chaotic Watercolor Puzzle $61
Edie Parker Acrylic and Wood Poker Set $1995
Edie Parker Four in a Row Acrylic Game Set $1495
MoMa Design Frank Stella Puzzle $20
Edie Parker Mancala Acrylic Set $1295
Edie Parker Chinese Checkers Acrylic Set $1395
Mark and Graham Chess Set $85
Games Room Poker Set $55
Games Room Checkers and Chess Set $32
Jonathan Adler Acrylic Chess Set $595
Ralph Lauren Fowler Chess Set $1995